Welcome to OnBoard!

Loudoun County Public Schools supports hundreds of software applications, websites, online resources, and services.  These digital tools are referred to as solutions.  OnBoard allows LCPS staff to submit solutions for technology review.  LCPS will evaluate the solution and ensure it is fit for use.  Following the review, submitters will receive a full review document and the final review decision.

OnBoard supports both Instructional and Administrative solution reviews, with different teams and processes involved. Click the links below to submit a solution for review or check the status of an existing review.

Instructional Solutions🏫

Instructional solutions are intended for use by both Staff and Students for instructional purposes. These reviews typically initiate from a school-based IFT. Before submitting a solution for review, take a moment to browse the Ed Tech Catalog for solutions already supported by the district.

Examples: Instructional website/Chrome extension/Google Play app/iPad app/Windows desktop app

Priority Levels: Instructional reviews have 3 priority levels:

Administrative Solutions🏢

Administrative solutions are intended for use solely by Staff users for non-instructional purposes.

Examples: Non-instructional website/Non-instructional app/Bus routing system/HR Management/Collaboration platform

Priority Levels: Administrative reviews have 1 priority level:

Important Note: If this solution will be used for Instructional purposes by either staff or students, DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM! Work with the IFT at your school or the Instructional Technology Office to submit an Instructional review.